By Jennifer Cooper
August 2023
It is no secret that dealing with the implications of COVID-19 over the past year and a half has been taxing on the entire family. The ongoing uncertainty and limitations have led to frustration, increased stress levels, and anxiety in many. However, we may be unaware of the specific ways recent events have impacted teenagers more specifically.
Adolescence is a period of development marked by unique challenges and needs. One of those needs is to be able to grow in independence as they move toward adulthood, but they remain vulnerable and need support and guidance along the way. In a normal world, teens must adjust to physical and cognitive changes, grapple with increased emotional complexity, manage intense academic pressure, and learn how to develop authentic relationships in the middle of these challenges.
While these tasks of adolescence are difficult in the best of times, they may feel even more intense and overwhelming today. Safety measures have altered the availability of programs in the community that foster connections and development such as sports teams, clubs, and social gatherings. Many are experiencing grief around missed milestones and fear about future opportunities. Families have experienced increased pressure on many fronts, leading to additional conflict and distress in the home. Each of these factors shape the difficulties faced by teenagers today in Singapore, where they may be inclined to go inward when lacking direction.
If left unsupported in their distress, the developmental trajectory of teens may be impacted. Their identity formation, the way the understand their own value, purpose, and capabilities, and their ability to cope with daily stressors may be cast in a negative light. We are witnessing an increase in social anxiety, alcohol abuse, depression, self-harm, and hopelessness and withdrawal among teens. Providing them with sense of support, access to practical tools, and compassionate and non-judgmental care during this season can be a game changer. Help is available for teens and their families; no one should walk through these trials alone.
How do parents know when to intervene with additional support for their adolescent?
Some signs to watch for include:
- Excessive tiredness and fatigue;
- Emotional sensitivity or distress;
- Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities;
- Change in sleep patterns or eating habits;
- Frequent physical complaints such as headaches, stomach aches;
- Slow thinking, change in academic performance at school;
- Restless and agitated, more irritable;
- Withdraw from friends and family;
- Reckless behavior including drug or alcohol use;
- Self-harming behaviors;
- Sexual identity;
- Talking about suicide.
How do you know if your teenager’s behavior is typical or if it indicates more serious mental health concerns?
It is important to aim for open conversations with your teen. While it is normal for them to have moments of increased irritability or mood changes, it is important to know if they are feeling overwhelmed or powerless. When the demands of life outpace their perceived ability to cope, it is important to find a way to step in with caring support. Counseling or support groups may be indicated if a teen is feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with the demands they face. Parents can model the importance of asking for help and receiving help during difficult seasons. This may give permission for your teen to come to you for help, which is critical because we do not want them to walk this road alone.
In an effort to bridge the gap and avoid lost communications, Counseling Perspective is hosting a panel discussion on October 8, 2021. This will be via zoom and will provide a forum for teens, parents, counselors, teachers and school counselors to discuss the issues facing the family. The intended date will be in October so that all parties have a chance to get settled into this new school year and we can all address the current and relevant issues facing the community.
Watch events page for more details on timing and how to register for the event or call +65 9636-8060 for information.
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